Singapore Full Arch & Full Mouth Dental Implants


    This is the pinnacle of dental implant treatments.

    We can transform people from having no teeth, or a set of failing teeth, to a fixed set of replacement teeth on implants – in a SINGLE DAY !

    Could anything be more life-changing or offer greater value for money?

    We have developed specific protocols available at The Dental Implant Centre that allow for a rapid and complete treatment with limited discomfort reported in the large number of cases we have treated. Our published success rate is 98% globally at MALO DENTAL since we developed and began to use these techniques in 2004.

    We have made it possible in many cases to remove the failing teeth, place the implants and then build a fixed bridge onto these implants in a single session, all done with sedation as required so the patients are completely unaware of any treatment. Patients frequently report being surprised at the lack of any discomfort or even swelling.  Those cases that do have some swelling or discomfort are easily controlled with standard pain relief.

    One of the most important parts of this treatment occurs in the planning stages when you will be taken through all aspects of your treatment.  You will have a full assessment, (covering both dental and medical aspects), 3D imaging, model planning and detailed design prior to any treatment being started. You can be assured of The Dental Implant Centre’s thorough and exemplary service throughout. It is possible to move onto surgery as quickly as you wish offering you immediate and stunning changes, but rest assured you will never be rushed.

    The final long-term bridges that will replace your temporary bridges placed during surgery are fitted about 4-6 months later. This aspect takes time and care. We carry out a detailed investigation of your needs and desires through consultation with you and your family, and utilise the expertise of our onsite laboratory technicians, the restorative dentists and the nursing team, working together towards the ideal outcome. This phase truly can’t be rushed, but there is rarely the need to do so, as you will already have an excellent set of provisional teeth, placed on the same day as your implants, to smile with and chew food.

    You will find a variety of treatment options available on the internet for this, but take care and examine each very carefully – ‘if it sounds too cheap it probably is’.  There are just so many aspects of this complex form of implant dentistry to consider, from the training of the Dentists and restorative team, to the quality of the lab work and technicians involved and the time allowed to complete the treatment. Most importantly there are few implant systems that have the detailed and extensive research showing that they will last the test of time and chewing. It is always possible to use copy implants and cheaper components, but this is something we will never allow at The Dental Implant Centre – where you can rely on the best quality materials used for your safety and peace of mind.

    Our Singapore full mouth dental implants treatment ensures you will be cared for long-term, with ongoing follow-up appointments at the centre, ensuring a happy life away from the nightmares of dentures and painful failing teeth.
